The scheme under phase 1 involved remodelling of two
large traffic splitter islands outside Knightsbridge tube
station. Reducing the footprint of the existing traffic
islands enabled an additional running lane adjacent to the
larger island which in turn allowed for the creation of a
holding bay in lane 1 outside Knightsbridge tube station
for HGV’s to access the main redevelopment works.
All works were carried out during night time working
hours to reduce the impact on the network at one of the
busiest junctions in central London. Meticulous planning
and programming alongside our client’s consultants and
TFL ensured the works progressed without any incidents,
accidents or complaints. Road users and pedestrians were
at the forefront of our working methods to ensure the
works ran smoothly at what is a very difficult location
to carry out major road works.
Accommodating TFL Traffic signal upgrading was
included within our scope. All infrastructure required
for the upgrade was installed by SB Civil Engineering.
New granite kerbs and yorkstone paving made for an
exceptional finish to footways and paved areas with a
HAPAS thin surface course applied in the carriageway.
SB Civil Engineering delivered the accommodation
works 2 weeks ahead of programme.