STEM Major Section 278 Civil Engineering – Bedfordshire

Duration 24 Weeks
Valuation £750k - £1m
Project Overview

We were awarded the contract on behalf of Kier Eastern to carry out S278 highways work and drainage package at Stem College in Stuartby Bedfordshire.

Section S278 footway/cycleway construction – Traffic management was installed by sector D12 certified operatives in compliance with the NRSW act– Lane closure shuttle working was under traffic lights. Excavation of both the grass verge and existing asphalt footway for the new highway S278 scheme was be carried out using a 5 tonne excavator. A pneumatic breaker attached to the 5 tonne excavator was used to break out the existing kerbs and hard highways surfacing.

Excavation proceeded to the specified formation level as noted in the S278 drawings and certified by Bedfordshire Highways. A Type 1 blinding layer was spread and compacted to protect the formation level at the end of each shift. On completion of the footway excavation, highways certified HB2 kerbs and PCC path edgings were laid to line a level on a bed of ST4 concrete. All HB2 kerbs were lifted using a scissor clamp lifting devise designed for lifting kerbs. Two operatives were required for each lift and have manual handling training. The concrete will be transported to S278 site on ready mix concrete lorries and placed directly into the highways kerb race using the lorry chute.

MOT Type 1 was transported to the S278 site on 8 wheel tipper lorries and tipped/stored in the highway site compound. The type 1 road stone was loaded into the 6 tonne dumper using a 5 tonne excavator and transported to site in the 6 tonne swivel dumper where it was directly tipped in the new footway in small manageable heaps under the instruction of a banks man. The highways certified type 1 was spread by hand to the required level and compact using a reversible compactor plate. The sub base was checked for depth prior to any asphalt works to ensure the specified asphalt depth is achieved.

Highways certified blister paving will be laid to line and level on a bed of ST4 concrete as per the section 278 drawings using the same method as above at the required crossing points. On completion of all highway kerbing and sub base compaction the asphalt surfacing works for the S278 project commenced. The asphalt base course and wearing course were machine laid using a highways compliant mini paver. The asphalt was transported to site on 8 wheel tipping lorries and waited within the highways lane closure during the works.

On completion of the asphalt works the existing grass verge received a certified top soil reinstatement and grass seed. At the end of each shift the highways section 278 lane closure was removed and traffic lights taken in. The highway surface was cleaned, swept, free from debris and left safe at the end of each working shift.

Highway Drainage -The gully locations were set out in accordance with the Bedfordshire highways drainage drawing CL-301. Highways traffic management was installed by sector D12 certified operatives – Lane closure shuttle working was under traffic lights. Excavation proceeded carefully to the required depth. Excavation of the trench was visually monitored at all times by an experienced operative. Should the ground conditions have required it then shoring, standard lap trench sheets and timber frames will be installed by competent operatives. A hand rail/barrier was securely placed around any open excavation at all times. On completion of the trench excavation and reaching the required depth the trench was ready to receive the highways specified concrete road gully.

The highways compliant road gully was laid to line and level on a bed of ST4 as per the section 278 drawings provided by Bedfordshire Borough Council. The concrete was transported to site on ready mix concrete lorries and placed directly into the trench using the lorry chute. On completion of the gully installation the brickwork and cover and frame was set to the correct level. The gullies were piped into a temporary soak away. The highways drainage pipe bedding was spread to line and level by a pipe laying operative. The new highways drainage approved vitrified clay pipe was then laid to line and level and received the specified surround. Every second pipe laid had an air test conducted and the result recorded. The soak away was excavated using an 8 tonne excavator and all spoil transported and stored.The soak away was filled with reject stone.